global vs local internet

R. Myles Green rmg57
Sun Aug 29 11:39:51 PDT 2004

On Sunday 29 August 2004 05:49, M.W. Chang wrote:

> are you trying to invade other countries with your IPV6?

First off it's not MY IPv6, I did not create it. Second, why is 
everybody (in YOUR mind) always trying to "invade" something?

Maybe you should stay away from alcohol, or opium, or whatever it is 
you're on my friend, because I've had just about enough of your B.S.

In fact, I *have* had enough: PLONK

Myles Green <rmg57 at telus dot net>
Slackware v10.0, Linux v2.4.26 - Athlon 1800+, 1024MB RAM
Xorg v6.8.0 rc3, XFce v4.0.6|IceWM v1.2.16, Kmail 1.7|Thunderbird v7.3
Promoting F/OSS since 1997 | Got root?

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