global vs local internet

Ian Stephen ianstepn
Sun Aug 29 10:03:15 PDT 2004

On Sun, 2004-08-29 at 01:49, M.W. Chang wrote:
> Do we need a global internet when every nation could build their own 
> internet?

Would these national internets be somehow closed from outside?  If not,
then it would seem advantageous to modularize the internet so that there
are not a few points of failure that can halt the whole thing.  (Is it
true that there are currently a dozen or so key points, many of them in
one country (USA), that are vital to the internet's function?)  But this
would not be so much every nation building their own internet as it
would be every nation working to strengthen the global internet.

If these national internets would be isolated then I'd say vehemently,
yes we do need a global internet!


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