compiling a 2.6.x kernel
Net Llama!
Mon Aug 16 22:28:11 PDT 2004
On 08/16/2004 08:04 PM, Kurt Wall wrote:
> In a 0.6K blaze of typing glory, M.W. Chang wrote:
>>># make by itself or make all compiles everything, modules included
>>>if make -j3 all modules_install
>>I noticed that under Novell SuSe 9.1, I must run mkinitrd after building
>>the kernel or the system would have a kernel panic during boot-up. Is it
>>reallky mandatory for 2.6 kernel?
> Yes, if you have modules on the file system that the kernel needs to
> boot, like file system or SCSI support. It's rather difficult to boot
> from, say, an XFS file system if your kernel does not have XFS file
> system support built-in *and* the initrd does not have an XFS module. ;-)
That's not true. I never use an initrd, and boot XFS filesystems all
the time.
L. Friedman netllama at
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