
Net Llama! netllama
Thu Aug 12 13:19:08 PDT 2004

On Thu, 12 Aug 2004, M.W. Chang wrote:
> > What are you trying to fix?  I don't think journaling file systems need fsck.
> I have once had ext3 corruption problem with my harddisk,
> demanding manual intervention. SO I thought the same thing
> MIGHT happen to xfs. I am not sure how superior xfs could be
> when compared to ext3.
> > If something is hosed, try xfs_repair.
> > xfs tries to fix any problems when it is mounted.
> > What is the problem you are trying to fix?
> thanks. I was just curious about the strange behaviour of fsck.xfs. :)

fsck.xfs is a noop.  As others have noted, use xfs_repair instead, and
you'll be golden.  BTW, if xfs_repair runs and has to fix stuff it will
create a lost+found dir with the bits that had to fix.  You must delete
the contents of the lost+found dir before trying to run xfs_repair again,
or it will keep fixing the same thing over and over again.  This is by

Lonni J Friedman                                netllama at linux-sxs.org
Linux Step-by-step & TyGeMo                  http://netllama.ipfox.com

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