
David A. Bandel david
Thu Aug 12 15:07:18 PDT 2004

Hash: SHA1

On Thu, 12 Aug 2004 11:39:39 -0400
Bruce Marshall <bmarsh at bmarsh.com> wrote:

> I would like to say the same, Kurt, and I also have been running XFS
> for about two years.   But recently, in a T-storm, the power took
> about a 3 sec hit and my wife's machine went down.  The next day, she
> couldn't open Kmail and mozilla was all screwed up.  It had all of my
> bookmarks and none of hers and other things were weird.  (and I don't
> use her machine but I do have a login on it)
> Not to say this couldn't happen with any FS but it *can* happen to
> XFS.  I guess XFS does a lot of memory caching of data and if you
> catch it at just the wrong time, it could well cause problems...

I think what you'll find is that if information is hosed like that, it's
almost always the apps fault, not the filesystems.  The filesystem
doesn't do anything but read and write what's passed to it.  That's its
job.  If it's passed bad data, it'll write bad data.  That doesn't make
it the filesystem's fault.


David A. Bandel
- -- 
Focus on the dream, not the competition.
		Nemesis Racing Team motto
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