Moving to an Open source environment

Roger Oberholtzer roger
Mon Aug 23 10:16:20 PDT 2004

> >    There are a lot of helpdesk applications on but a lot of 
> > them are on the immature side. What are list members using to track 
> > support calls and resolution / kb sort of stuff?

I like flyspray. It is lightweight and meets our needs. Interfaces nice
to e-mail, has reminders and all the usual stuff. Not overkill, like
bugzilla and that sort. flyspray needs a database like mysql and a web
server that does php.

? Roger Oberholtzer          ?   E-mail: roger at        ?
? OPQ Systems AB             ?      WWW:  ?
? Nybrogatan 66 nb           ?    Phone: Int + 46 8   314223 ?
? 114 41 Stockholm           ?   Mobile: Int + 46 733 621657 ?
? Sweden                     ?      Fax: Int + 46 8   314223 ?

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