RAID Question

Mike Reinehr cmr
Thu Aug 19 09:44:32 PDT 2004


I've been researching this recently myself and came across this link which 
might help:

In particular, it includes this warning:

> Almost all prior ATA RAID host adapters (except for 3Ware Escalade, Adaptec 
24x0, and LSI Logic MegaRAID 150-4/150-6) have turned out, upon examination, 
to not be genuine hardware RAID, but rather software-dependent (i.e., the 
missing hardware functionality is emulated inside idiosyncratic, 
undocumented, and proprietary software drivers, in order to hit very low 
price points) and thus essentially impossible to support in Linux ? absent 
either special proprietary drivers or extraordinary cooperation from the 
manufacturer. (HighPoint, LSI Logic, Nvidia, Promise, and VIA provide 
proprietary drivers with support for that form of proprietary software RAID. 
I personally would steer clear.)

Followed by:

> You're advised to blow away the proprietary-RAID volumes, use the drives at 
the hardware level as straight SATA drives, and use Linux software RAID 
instead, during Linux installation.

Hope this helps!


On Thursday 19 August 2004 09:17 am, Alma J Wetzker wrote:
> I need to setup a system with hardware raid on the SATA channels.  I have
> the two SATA drives set up as mirrors.  I see three devices that I can
> identify:
> /dev/hdd	cdrom
> /dev/hde	drive 0?
> /dev/hdg	drive 1?
> I am expecting the RAID mirrors to be a separate device.  Is that wrong?  I
> setup /dev/hdg and expect to see the partitions reflected on /dev/hde, they
> are not.  The BIOS still reports a mirror.  Am I doing this wrong?  What
> should I be looking for?  Do I need to setup software RAID to copy the
> hardware RAID?  There are no /dev/s* or other /dev/h* devices that look
> like drives.
> I am used to the RAID controller presenting me a single device for the
> entire array.  I can get all the hardware specifics this afternoon.  I was
> setting up several boxen and can't find my notes.
>      -- Alma
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