NFS Will Not Start

Kurt Wall kwall
Mon Aug 16 22:10:59 PDT 2004

In a 1.5K blaze of typing glory, Tom Condon wrote:
> Folks,
> I'm trying to get NFS working on my local network.  The server
> is running SuSE 9.0.  I tried turning NFS on with Yast2 but I get
> this message:
> -------------------------------
> Error
> Unable to restart NFS server.
> Your changes will be active after reboot.
> -------------------------------
> So, I thought I'd get back to basics.  I cd'd to /etc/init.d and tried 
> to restart the nfs server:
> gungadin:/etc/init.d # ./nfsserver restart
> Shutting down kernel based NFS server                           done
> Starting kernel based NFS serverexportfs: /etc/exports [1]: No 'sync' 
> or 'async' option specified for export "carving:/public".
>   Assuming default behaviour ('sync').
>   NOTE: this default has changed from previous versions
> carving.condonia:/public: Function not implemented
>                                                                 failed

Does "carving.condonia" resolve to an IP address?

> The fstab entry for the file system in question is:
> /dev/sda1   /public   ext3    defaults 1 2

This is on your (erstwhile) NFS server, right?

First, try exporting it manually:

# exportfs -i -o rw carving:/public

You need NFS support in the kernel (the module is nfsd, I believe),
the portmapper needs to be running, mountd (rpc.mountd here) needs to be 
running, lockd (again, rpc.lockd here) *ought* to be running, and, 
naturally, the NFS server, nfsd (rpc.nfsd) must be running.

> Contents of the exports file are:
> /public carving(rw)

Suggest adding "sync" to the options:

/public carving(rw,sync)

> I'm clueless (more so than usual).  I find no indication of which 
> function is not implemented.

Nothing in the logs?

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