compiling a 2.6.x kernel

Net Llama! netllama
Mon Aug 16 19:37:52 PDT 2004

On 08/16/2004 05:27 PM, M.W. Chang wrote:
>># make by itself or make all compiles everything, modules included
>>if make -j3 all modules_install
> thanks.
> I noticed that under Novell SuSe 9.1, I must run mkinitrd after building
> the kernel or the system would have a kernel panic during boot-up. Is it
> reallky mandatory for 2.6 kernel?

That's a requirement whenever you build a new kernel where you're using
an initrd.  If you don't like it, build all of the support into the kernel.

L. Friedman                       	       netllama at
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