sync 2 directories

Roger Oberholtzer roger
Mon Aug 16 13:01:25 PDT 2004

On Thu, 2004-08-12 at 19:22, Bill Campbell wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 13, 2004, M.W. Chang wrote:
> >>> > The claim is that the error messages are harmless but, as Roger
> >>> > notes, annoying.
> >>> If that's been so sure, why didn't rsync just stop complaining?
> >> You're asking the wrong fellow.
> If you don't like it, use the source luke.

I seem to recall having done this. But with each new OS release, it is
back. As the problem has existed for a couple of years, I am surprised
that the maintainers of either source (rsync or zlib) have not addressed
it. As it works, I have let be. But if it was my code, I would have
fixed it. (I know it is 'my code' in the Open Source sense - but all
such code has a spiritual owner. It is to that person I refer.)

· Roger Oberholtzer          ·   E-mail: roger at        ·
· OPQ Systems AB             ·      WWW:  ·
· Nybrogatan 66 nb           ·    Phone: Int + 46 8   314223 ·
· 114 41 Stockholm           ·   Mobile: Int + 46 733 621657 ·
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