List Reply-To is set to the senders address

David A. Bandel david
Thu Aug 12 15:06:41 PDT 2004

Hash: SHA1

On Thu, 12 Aug 2004 22:19:43 +1000
James McDonald <james at> wrote:

> On Thu, 12 Aug 2004 16:50:25 +1000
> > "James McDonald" <james at> wrote:
> >
> > >Hi,
> > >Anyone else notice that the lists reply-to now defaults to the
> > >senders address and not the list.
> >
> > >Could it be changed back to reply-to the list?
> >
> >
> > Was sure I had done that -- fixed now.
> Thanks David, for the prompt fix. I kind of like the opportunity to be
> a "user" sometimes.... Usually I have to fix all the annoying
> problems.

This was easy.  When everything went "bang" it took a lot of poking
around to fix.

Still not sure what happened or why, but basically, Python uses pickle
files (why every idiot thinks he has to recreate the db hash wheel is
beyond me, db hashes I can unhash and manipulate, no clue how to do that
with pickle files).  The pickle file for the list itself got corrupted
(no idea how, but the file had a bunch of @ and that was all).  While
mailman keeps a backup (config.pck.last), that backup was overwritten
with the garbage from the forward file (thanx, mailman, way to go on
error checking).

As if all that weren't bad enough (first corrupting the list then
writing it to the backup), that pickle file is used to create the
message headers for sending.  So message header files were not properly
written.  Two such files were created from the corrupted headers before
mailman crashed while trying to process them.

So I found and fixed the list (just recreated it and grep'd the outgoing
mail log for a list of users).  Tried to start mailman but the Outgoing
qrunner kept crashing due to the as yet undiscovered outgoing messages
with corrupted headers.  Good error handling on mailman's part (not).

Finally found the corrupt messages and deleted them (one was a "wha?
?appent to the list?" message, the other a request for help -- if it was
your message, sorry about that, just resubmit if you haven't already).

And we're back in business.  But I hate mailman.  And the mailman list
was no help at all because I didn't have simple "how do I change the
password" type questions.  Oh well.

So now you know as much about what went bang as I do.

I am now backing everything up every 4 hours -- hope that's good enough.


David A. Bandel
- -- 
Focus on the dream, not the competition.
		Nemesis Racing Team motto
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