xfce questions

Chris Kassopulo ckasso
Wed Aug 11 19:40:52 PDT 2004

On Wed, 11 Aug 2004 07:21:57 -0600
Collins Richey <erichey2 at comcast.net> wrote:

> 1. Is there any way to have xfce4 automatically startup my desired programs on
> the desired desktop? The only facility that I'm aware of would start all of them
> on the same desktop.
> 2. Is there a facility to reassign a running program to another desktop?
> 3. Is there a way to use something similar to the run dialog to start a new
> program on a particular desktop?
> If I could find a way to automate this process, I would feel that I have died
> and gone to heaven. Alternatively, if I could start all the programs
> automatically, then use a simple keystroke or combination to reassign the
> running windows to the desired desktop, I would be at least halfway there.

xfce3 had the perfect behavior: when you closed it the applications, window size
and screen position were retained for the next startup.  I too am searching for
the way to heaven.  It is the only missing feature.

The documentation doesn't offer any advice and a quick look through the xfce list
archive didn't turn anything up.

If there turns out to be no xfce way perhaps a hack is in order:

    http://mandrakeusers.org/lofiversion/index.php/t10865.html  (a hack)

devilspie looks like it might have potential.


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