[OT] Cold !!! Hot and Wet

Collins Richey crichey at gmail.com
Thu Feb 3 18:10:16 PST 2011

On Wed, Feb 2, 2011 at 8:39 PM, Tony Alfrey <tonyalfrey at earthlink.net> wrote:

> It is true that there are cyclic changes in climate and overall global
> temperature.  But these (now) are correlated to human activity.  I'm not
> sure which chief idiot you refer to, but a large body of scientific evidence
> accumulated by a large collection of very bright people supports the
> connection between climate change, global warming, or whatever one wishes to
> call it, and human activity.  It is not clear if you reject the science out
> of a general low level of scientific literacy that seems to be rampant in
> the US of late, or if it is some sort of bias associated with popular
> political thought.

My problem with the large body of evidence and the collection of very
bright people is that, it seems, that relatively few of them are
climatologists. It doesn't matter how bright you are if you haven't
studied the past, sun spot cycles, etc., etc. There is also the
problem that some of the evidence was trumped up - UK so called
scientists, I believe. There may be some connection with human
activity, but equally bright climatologists believe that our activity
pales in comparison to the forces of nature.

I'm all for us cleaning up some of our mess, research to find
non-carbon sources of energy, but not at the cost of wrecking our
economy by playing a game with some allowed to buy carbon credits
while others can't. Sensible attention to environmental concerns is
what's needed. I don't choose to run a gas guzzler, but I refuse to
find fault with those who want heavier automobiles to provide safety
for their families.

The chief idiot I'm referring to has a house with probably the largest
known carbon footprint and wastes fuel flying all over the globe to
preach about undermining most of the world's basic industry.

I'm reminded of the bumper sticker on a miner's pickup truck: Ban
mining - let the bastards freeze to death in the dark.

Stay warm. We're enjoying a heat wave of 34F and more snow.

Collins Richey
     If you fill your heart with regrets of yesterday and the worries
     of tomorrow, you have no today to be thankful for.

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