pwc .... its back

R. Myles Green rmg57
Tue Aug 31 21:27:09 PDT 2004

On Tuesday 31 August 2004 17:31, Net Llama! wrote:
> Alan Cox to the rescue...

Sweet! I don't need or use this driver as my camera uses a different one 
but it's good to see this taken care of so swiftly. HooRay! for Alan 
Cox =)

Myles Green <rmg57 at telus dot net>
Slackware v10.0, Linux v2.4.26 - Athlon 1800+, 1024MB RAM
Xorg v6.8.0 rc3, XFce v4.0.6|IceWM v1.2.16, Kmail 1.7|Thunderbird v7.3
Promoting F/OSS since 1997 | Got root?

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