OT: gateways vs routers

David A. Bandel david
Sun Aug 29 21:11:56 PDT 2004

Hash: SHA1

On Sun, 29 Aug 2004 21:29:54 -0700
Rick Bowers <Rick at whereaboutsunknown.us> wrote:

> I have a LinkSys WRT54G router but it seems to work only in "gateway" 
> mode.  I read the Linksys "Educate Me" tutorial but it was too vague. 
> If I set the router's mode to Router, connections time-out.
> Can someone point me to a discussion on gateways vs/ routers and how
> to setup static routing?

router:  device that passes packets of the same protocol from one
(sub)network to another

gateway:  device that passes packets of the same or different protocols
(doing protocol translation in the process) from one (sub)network to
another.  A gateway is a router, but the term gateway infers it could
also do protocol translation, which most so-called "gateways" cannot do.

bridge:  device that passes packets between two geographically distinct
sections of one (sub)network.

What you likely need is a discussion of NAT/routing.  Your LinkSys
should pick up the public IP and provide (via dhcp) private addresses to
systems on your internal network.

Biggest problem today is companies are taking cues from M$ and calling
things what they want to instead of by their correct name (like folder
vice directory, or router and gateway vice router and NAT/router).


David A. Bandel
- -- 
Focus on the dream, not the competition.
		Nemesis Racing Team motto
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