[OT] Worst news ever ...

David A. Bandel david
Sat Aug 28 17:15:28 PDT 2004

Hash: SHA1

On Sat, 28 Aug 2004 12:11:40 -0500
Alma J Wetzker <almaw at ieee.org> wrote:

> Much as I sympathize with those who think the UN is useless, and it is
> worse than that as a governing body, I fear we ignore the good that is
> done by that organization throughout the world.  I am thinking about
> health and food programs.  Without the UN, many of the "childhood"
> diseases, that everyone used to get and some died from, would still be
> hitting american school children.  (Ask the CDC about transmission and
> communicable diseases if you don't believe me.)  The UN allows US
> money to do lots of Good Things(tm) without the world stigma of
> accepting help from the US.  For humanitarian type of aid, I feel the
> most important thing is getting help to where it is needed rather than
> getting credit for doing it.

So why is US money doing good things without the "stigma" of being from
the US a good thing?  If the sorry fools think accepting money from the
US is a stigma, then let their people suffer and die.  Otherwise, the US
_should_ get credit for the good done with US money.  P.R. and all that.

No, getting credit for doing good things is _very_ important.  The US
always gets blamed, even when something is not the US' fault.

Really bad justification for the UN.

> The UN also serves an incredibly important function of keeping people
> talking.
> While the US receives very few direct benefits from the UN, the
> indirect benefits and general good done by the organization,I feel,
> outweigh the negatives.
> As far as corruption charges go, you will find that everywhere you
> find people.  In the US we call it "patronage positions" and
> institutionalized it rather than try to fight it.  It is just our way
> of saying that bribes are only for the winners.

I don't know of a single country where bribes aren't a way of life. 
Some are just legalized or in the case of the US, illegal there but
legal or at least accepted everywhere else.  A case of the US imposing
it's moores on other countries.

>      -- Alma
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David A. Bandel
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