[OT] Worst news ever ...

Net Llama! netllama
Fri Aug 27 14:57:07 PDT 2004

[opening pandora's box of politics...]

how is having the UN backing open source a bad thing?  Unlike in the US,
where the UN has virtually no presence, other than its world headquarters,
in much of the rest of the world (especially the 3rd world) the UN is
about the only organized body preventing complete & utter bedlam.  The
UN's health & education programs tend to be the only health & education
programs in alot of countries.  I can see how open source would fill a
huge void in nations where spending anything at all on software is beyond
a country's budget.

On Fri, 27 Aug 2004, Michael Hipp wrote:

> This has gotta be the worst news I've ever heard. The UN is now backing
> open source. We're doomed. Having the UN as a friend is far worse than
> having SCO and Microsoft as enemies.
> http://www.internetnews.com/dev-news/article.php/3400071
> Michael
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Lonni J Friedman                                netllama at linux-sxs.org
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