OT: Windows partition copy

Mike Reinehr cmr
Fri Aug 27 13:59:42 PDT 2004

Another question is 'how did you move it?' I can't remember the details, but I 
seem to remember that a MS formated partition has something specific written 
to the first block or two of a partition. You should have been ok if you dd'd 
it, but if you tar'ed then all bets are off.


On Friday 27 August 2004 01:17 pm, Net Llama! wrote:
> On Fri, 27 Aug 2004, Michael Hipp wrote:
> > Roger Oberholtzer wrote:
> > > I had no choice. I had to keep a Windows 98 partition. But I moved it
> > > elsewhere on the disk. Now, GRUB will not boot into that partition.
> >
> > Someone can correct me if I'm wrong but I think you're out of luck. The
> > DOS-kernel Windows (9x/ME) won't boot from anywhere but a primary
> > partition and I'm not sure they will actually boot from any but the
> > first partition. Make sure the partition is 'active' and not 'hidden' by
> > using a partitioning tool.
> I don't think it has to be the first partition, but it definitely has to
> be a primary parition on the first boot device.
> > The NT-Kernel Windows (NT/2k/XP) are more forgiving about where you
> > locate them.
> >
> > Why did you move it? It would never occur to me to attempt to move a
> > DOS/Win9x partion. The only safe place for such a thing is hda1 (C:).
> or /dev/null  ;)

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