Anyone tried FC3-test1?

Tim Wunder tim
Thu Aug 26 15:37:11 PDT 2004

On 8/26/2004 10:29 AM, I believe that Michael Hipp wrote:
> How usable/stable is it?
> (I'm having so many issues with FC2 I'm thinking about loading up FC3 
> and see if it fixes any of the bugs and broken features.)

What "bugs and broken features" are you experiencing with FC2? I'm 
experiencing some bugginess with KDE 3.3.0 (kopete crashing, 
single-clicks being mistaken for double clicks, no gamma controls in the 
Control Center -- none of which I experienced with KDE 3.2.3), and have 
problems recording sound, but other than that, FC2 has been pretty solid 
for me.


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