Anyone tried FC3-test1?

Tim Wunder tim
Thu Aug 26 14:07:34 PDT 2004

On 8/26/2004 2:53 PM, I believe that Michael Hipp wrote:

> Net Llama! wrote:
>> On Thu, 26 Aug 2004, Michael Hipp wrote:
>>> Net Llama! wrote:
>>>> What kind of issues are you having with FC2?  I've not tried FC3-test1.
>>> - CD burning is largely broken. I can burn regular files but there is no
>>> option to verify after the burn. I can't burn isos (via the gui anyway,
>>> and the command for cdrecord that's supposed to work doesn't). Can't
>>> copy CDs either.
>> I know for a fact that all of that works for me, cause i've done all of
>> those tasks on FC2.  Which tools are you using?
> $ rpm -q nautilus-cd-burner
> nautilus-cd-burner-2.6.0-2
> I'm trying to do everything by the "standard out of the box" Fedora way. 
> This, of course, means Gnome. I used KDE for a long time and really like 
> its features but the sluggishness just became unbearable after a while.
> I'm doing this so I can recommend Fedora more-or-less as-is. And that 
> means I need to be well familiar with it in that way. Besides I really 
> like the new Gnome. And I want to run a box that is as "stock" as 
> possible to ease later upgrades and some of the chaotic variability that 
> creeps in as I customize more and more.
> But as you stated, much of my problems are Gnome related. Or perhaps 
> FC2's implementation of Gnome.
Their apt/yum repositories work fine with the main fedora repo's. Works 
quite well, although, I recommend against upgrading to KDE 3.3.0 just 
yet. But kde-redhat's KDE-3.2.3 was quite good. FWIW, I think it's hard 
to beat K3B as a GUI front end to cd recording tools (cdrecord and cdrdao).

And since when does FC2 mean having to run Gnome? As far as I recall, 
FC2 came with KDE. kde-redhat's implementation simply makes it easier to 
abandon bluecurve-isms, and you can keep up with the KDE updates easier.

BTW, does anybody know of a gnome-based equivalent to kde-redhat? It 
seems the only way to get an updated gnome is to wait for a new FC 
release, or to compile gnome manually.


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