Anyone tried FC3-test1?
Net Llama!
Thu Aug 26 12:16:07 PDT 2004
On Thu, 26 Aug 2004, Michael Hipp wrote:
> Net Llama! wrote:
> > What kind of issues are you having with FC2? I've not tried FC3-test1.
> - CD burning is largely broken. I can burn regular files but there is no
> option to verify after the burn. I can't burn isos (via the gui anyway,
> and the command for cdrecord that's supposed to work doesn't). Can't
> copy CDs either.
I know for a fact that all of that works for me, cause i've done all of
those tasks on FC2. Which tools are you using?
> - Can't edit/add anything to the Gnome menus. Not without editing a
> hyper-complicated undocumented XML file anyways. And the pertinent files
> are scattered all across the fs and the documented locations are wrong.
> Found some of them by trial and error. (This has been broke for going on
> 2 years BTW.)
I don't use Gnome, so i can't comment here.
> - WM is broken. Doesn't give the proper hints to rdesktop to enable some
> of its more useful features. This is a bad loss to those of us who must
> remote admin lots of Win Server boxes.
What is 'WM' ?
> - Printer sharing via Samba is broken. Can create the shares, Win boxes
> can see them but every attempt to connect produces "Access denied." No
> matter how loose the permissions. File sharing works fine.
No Samba in my setups.
> - Can't autorun Mozilla & Mozilla Mail on startup. Putting them in the
> usual autorun locations produces profile conflicts. Checking the 'Run
> Mail & Newsgroups' in Moz preferences does nothing.
Which 'usual autorun locations' have you tried? What kind of conflicts?
Have you tried using ~/Desktop/Autostart ? Whose mozilla build are you
running? Admittedly, i've never tried to autorun mozilla on startup, but
i do run other things that work fine.
> - The 'Network Servers' app just doesn't work. Can't get it to show my
> simple Workgroup network at all.
I've never used it, can't comment there.
> - Window placement out of the WM is really annoying. It seems to want to
> open everything in the upper left.
I assume WM = window manager? This works fine for me with XFCE.
> - The desktop icons don't obey their "keep aligned" directive.
Sounds like a Gnome issue.
> - Many of the foo:/// shortcuts that are supposed to do magical things
> in Nautilus just don't work despite the documentation. The one I can't
> live without is man:///.
> - The Gnome 'Configuration Editor' is beginning to look so much like
> Windows REGEDIT that it gives me the creeps. This is definitely *not*
> progress.
More gnome stuff.
> - And I'm ignoring for now, the fatal partitioning bug and the fact that
> the amd_64 version wouldn't install with more than 256M of memory (easy
> workaround once known by adding mem=256M to the boot line, but very
> annoying to get all the way through setup 3 times only to crash at the
> very end).
I wish i had an amd64 cpu to test this on ;)
> These may all be relatively little things taken by themselves, but as a
> whole it's adding up to an experience of every time I delve deeper into
> some new area I always find it doesn't work as expected. And it
> definitely means I can't recommend it to the many newbies asking "which
> distro" or "I wanna try Linux".
Yea, that's understandable. I think alot of those issues might be
reesolved by not using Gnome, but granted you shouldn't have to resort to
> Worst part is, I've filed bugzilla reports on some of these and added to
> the "me too" chorus on others, but I don't see any evidence that
> RH/Fedora is addressing them. So I'm assuming (hoping?) their way of
> fixing them is by releasing FC3. I'm on the amd_64 version and I don't
> know how many of these are specific to same.
That's not my understanding of how the Fedora development process works.
If the bugzilla bug isn't updated, then the bug isn't going to be fixed
unless the primary developers happen to fix it on their end and Fedora
just upgrades to the fixed version.
> That all said, there is *MUCH* to like about FC2. The new Gnome with the
> controversial "spatial" settings is superb. A big leap forward IMO.
> RH/Fedora has done a great job with integration and visual consistency
> of the GUI. They've even managed to turn into an
> attractive app - no small feat. The system is blazingly fast and
> rock-solid stable. Gnome was unusable in most every past version of RH
> due to Nautilus crashing every few minutes -- it seems to be well fixed now.
Heh. Guess that explains why i'm far more pleased with FC2 than you. I'm
not using Gnome at all, and its been virtually problem free. My wife uses
Gnome on FC2 on her laptop occasionally, and hasn't reported any issues.
Granted she isn't a power user, and 99% of her usage is in the mozilla
that i've installed (not Fedora's).
Lonni J Friedman netllama at
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