lm-sensors interpreting output

Net Llama! netllama
Wed Aug 25 16:07:56 PDT 2004

On Wed, 25 Aug 2004, Collins Richey wrote:
> After a lengthy wait, lm-sensors has finally come out with a build
> (lm-sensors-2.8.7)that will compile and run on 2.6 kernels. After a little work
> with sensors-detect. I can finally get a sensors display. Here are a few
> questions:
> 1) I still get no results with gkrellm2. It's supposed to be able to graph
> sensors output, but I get no enablable temperature sensors. Anybody know how to
> make this work?

Works fine out of the box for me in FC2.

> 2) The output from 'sensors' shows lots of voltage and temperatures output. Some
> of the values are preceded by a '+' and others by a '-'. What does this mean?

Can you give an example?

> 3) I'm only interested in 'sensors | grep Temp'. Here's my current display, a
> few examples..
> M/B Temp:    +44 C  (low  =   +15 C, high =   +40 C)   sensor = diode
> CPU Temp:    -55 C  (low  =   +15 C, high =   +45 C)   sensor = thermistor
> Temp3:       +31 C  (low  =   +15 C, high =   +45 C)   sensor = diode
> M/B Temp:    +43 C  (low  =   +15 C, high =   +40 C)   sensor = diode
> CPU Temp:    -55 C  (low  =   +15 C, high =   +45 C)   sensor = thermistor
> Temp3:       -56 C  (low  =   +15 C, high =   +45 C)   sensor = diode   ALARM
> M/B Temp:    +44 C  (low  =   +15 C, high =   +40 C)   sensor = diode
> CPU Temp:    -55 C  (low  =   +15 C, high =   +45 C)   sensor = thermistor
> Temp3:        -8 C  (low  =   +15 C, high =   +45 C)   sensor = diode
> M/B Temp:    +43 C  (low  =   +15 C, high =   +40 C)   sensor = diode
> CPU Temp:    -55 C  (low  =   +15 C, high =   +45 C)   sensor = thermistor
> Temp3:      +124 C  (low  =   +15 C, high =   +45 C)   sensor = diode   ALARM

Something isn't calibrated right if you're getting a negative temperature
for the CPU.

Lonni J Friedman                                netllama at linux-sxs.org
Linux Step-by-step & TyGeMo                  http://netllama.ipfox.com

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