[OT] cur$e

Leon Goldstein metapsych
Wed Aug 25 12:17:02 PDT 2004

Alma Wetzker wrote:

>M.W. Chang wrote:
>>> S is the alphabet
>And it is a wonderful letter!  It kind of twists around like a snake, 
>slithering through life.  There are, however, places where a '$' is 
>appropriate.  Referring to money denominated in dollars and certain 
>monopolists headquartered where dollars are used.
The dollar sign is not really related to "S."  The symbol most likely 
was inspired by the Spanish 8-Real coin, which had on its reverse side 
two Roman columns, each entwined by a vine climbing around it.

People would cut the 8-Real coin into quarters, hence "2 bits", for 
smaller purchases.

So blame the Conquistadores!

Leon A. Goldstein

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