My List of commonly used apps - What's everyone else using?

Roger Oberholtzer roger
Wed Aug 25 09:50:05 PDT 2004

On Wed, 2004-08-25 at 02:24, Alan Jackson wrote:
> On Tue, 24 Aug 2004 22:12:29 +1000
> James McDonald <james at> wrote:
> > OK well this is my top bakers dozen of apps, I'm curious as to what 
> > everyone else is using... if it's not too much bother could people just 
> > reply and put what they use?
> > 
> > 
> > Email - Sylpheed
> > Web - Firefox, Konqueror, Dillo
> > Video - 
> > Music Player - gqmpeg
> > Music Manager -
> > Desktop - KDE
> > Chat/IRC -
> > Windows Apps - 
> > HTML Editor - gvim
> > text editor console - vim
> > text editor gui - gvim
> > shell - bash
> > Office suite - textmaker, OOffice, some Koffice
>   Planner - J-Pilot
>   Plotting - XmGrace

BFTP! I haven't used xmgrace in ages. I do still have a library I
derived from it to embed plotting in another application. But is xmgrace
still developed? I guess it is maintained, but anything more than that?

Roger Oberholtzer <roger at>

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