My List of commonly used apps - What's everyone else using?

Roger Oberholtzer roger
Wed Aug 25 09:46:13 PDT 2004

On Tue, 2004-08-24 at 16:23, ejbr at wrote:

> Music Manager - Zinf (Though soon to use ITunes when Codeweavers finalizes
>       it; in alpha now)

I am looking forward to this as well. I do not really want the iPod
stuff (I use gtkpod). I want the 'Radio' part. Or am I missing some
Linux app that maintains an extensive assortment of radio sources - all
WORKING without some crappy web gizmo. I ran iTunes on a Mac a wile back
and was really impressed by the quality and range of the Radio.

Roger Oberholtzer <roger at>

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