My List of commonly used apps - What's everyone else using?

Leon Goldstein metapsych
Tue Aug 24 12:27:00 PDT 2004

Email - Mozilla
Web - Mozilla
Video - Xine
Music Player - n/a
Music Manager - n/a
Desktop - KDE (XFCE on one old computer that lacks enough RAM for KDE)
Chat/IRC - n/a
Windows Apps - Spinrite 6.0 :-)
HTML Editor -	TextMaker (not really a HTML editor, but handy for the my occasional need to create HTML)
text editor console - n/a
text editor gui - Midnight Commander or Kedit
shell - #!/bin/bash
Office suite - WordPerfect 8.1/WPO2KL (Quattro Pro, Paradox), with occasional use of StarOffice 6 or 7

Added: Burner - XCDRoast

Leon A. Goldstein

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