My List of commonly used apps - What's everyone else using?

Myles Green rmg57
Tue Aug 24 10:35:53 PDT 2004

James McDonald wrote:
> OK well this is my top bakers dozen of apps, I'm curious as to what 
> everyone else is using... if it's not too much bother could people just 
> reply and put what they use?
> Email - Thunderbird
> Web - Firefox
> Video - mplayer
> Music Player - XMMS
> Music Manager - Madman
> Desktop - XFCE
> Chat/IRC - Gaim
> Windows Apps - vmware with XP Pro.
> HTML Editor - bluefish
> text editor console - vi
> text editor gui - kwrite
> shell - bash
> Office suite - OpenOffice

Email - Thunderbird or Elmo
Web - Firebird or elinks
Video - Mplayer
Music Player - xmms
Music Manager - nadda
Desktop - IceWM
Chat/IRC - Xchat
Windows Apps - ? what's that?
HTML Editor -	nanno
text editor console - nanno
text editor gui - NEdit
shell - #!/bin/bash
Office suite - OpenOffice

Myles Green <rmg57 at telus dot net>
Using Slackware Linux v10.0, IceWM v1.2.16 and Thunderbird v0.7.3
Promoting F/LOSS since 1997 | Got root?

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