My List of commonly used apps - What's everyone else using?

James McDonald james
Tue Aug 24 07:03:38 PDT 2004

OK well this is my top bakers dozen of apps, I'm curious as to what 
everyone else is using... if it's not too much bother could people just 
reply and put what they use?

Email - Thunderbird
Web - Firefox
Video - mplayer
Music Player - XMMS
Music Manager - Madman
Desktop - XFCE
Chat/IRC - Gaim
Windows Apps - vmware with XP Pro.
HTML Editor - bluefish
text editor console - vi
text editor gui - kwrite
shell - bash
Office suite - OpenOffice

Email -
Web -
Video -
Music Player -
Music Manager -
Desktop -
Chat/IRC -
Windows Apps -
HTML Editor -
text editor console -
text editor gui -
shell -
Office suite -

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