Moving to an Open source environment

Douglas J Hunley doug
Mon Aug 23 13:02:16 PDT 2004

In a brief moment of lucidty, James McDonald proclaimed:
> I am starting to get tired of spending 11000 (Exchange EE) + HARDWARE +
> OS + AV to give people email, when I can do it with a linux/qmail/imap
> install for about a days wages. However some small points seem to stop
> me from recommending an open source only solution.

Have you looking into HORDE? and all it's associated parts?

>     To completely replace M$ I would need non-buggy group calendaring
> and scheduling apps that runs on Linux and is rock solid. Any Suggestions?

see above

>     There are a lot of helpdesk applications on but a lot of them
> are on the immature side. What are list members using to track support
> calls and resolution / kb sort of stuff?

OTRS .. i highlhy recommend it

>     Another area that seems to be lacking on the linux front is Safety
> Management Software anyone got any experience with this from the
> OpenSource world?

cant help. sorry
Douglas J Hunley (doug at - Linux User #174778 &&

Buffy. Love the hair. It just screams street urchin.
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