music composition?

Kurt Wall kwall
Sun Aug 22 10:34:16 PDT 2004

In a 0.8K blaze of typing glory, Tony Alfrey wrote:
> On Sunday 22 August 2004 08:14 am, Kurt Wall wrote:
> > In a 0.5K blaze of typing glory, Tony Alfrey wrote:
> > > Hi.
> > >
> > > I know, I know, google.
> > > But maybe someone knows.  I'd like some sort of X-based GUI that
> > > allows me to write music, i.e, that will allow me to place notes on
> > > a music staff and print out the resulting score.  Any
> > > recommendataions? Thanks!
> >
> > Your (my) best bet is MuseScore:
> >
> > MuseScore:
> Thanks for the nice list.
> Which version of MuseScore are you using?  The latest version suggests 
> using qt-3.3.2

Um, 0.1pre1. I played around with it and liked it, but I haven't used
it extensively. I wrote up chopsticks as an example to see how it worked.
Being otherwise sribally-challenged, that was about as far as I got with

"I used to think I was indecisive, but now I'm not so sure."

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