regarding Ben Duncan's CD problems...

Kurt Wall kwall
Sun Aug 22 05:48:01 PDT 2004

In a 0.9K blaze of typing glory, Ben Duncan wrote:
> Ok, more more info:
> I set up the P4 machine, kernel with the patch.
> I built a custome kernel, just like on the AMD machine.
> I updated and compiled the latest cdrecord/cdrtools.
> Did a cdrecord and got the VERY same alien music output
> on the CD.
> rebooted into the STOCK 2.4.28 Slack kernel. Ran the
> updated cdrecord and it created the Music CD perfectly.
> Ok, now where do I go from here? Where and to whom do
> I need to report this odd behaviour to?
> Thanks ...

See Perhaps
something is amiss with your cdrecord invocation. What command are
you using?

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