Need Dialing help

Bruce Marshall bmarsh
Sat Aug 21 19:08:38 PDT 2004

I'm going on vacation soon and want to use a dialup sequence that is *LONG*.

<8 digits of 800 number>,,,,,,<10 digit pin #>,,,,,,,,<8 digits-ISP>
(the commas are in there for time delay)

This is too long for most modems to handle but my IBM X30 won't handle it. 
 It goes through the first two sequences fine but never sends the 3rd set of

There might be two solutions:

1) Find a way to get CHAT to send the strings separately with a delay.   (I
haven't been able to see that there is a way to do this)

2) Find a way to manually dial the phone and when the ISP answers, start up
PPPD  (which is what I am using so I have total flexibility in that regard)
and have it grab the modem and line and go through the signal sync session
and then start the ppp session.

Does anyone have eny experience in trying to use such a long sequence?


+ Bruce S. Marshall  bmarsh at  Bellaire, MI         08/21/04 20:17  +
"The trouble with the rat race is that even if you win, you're still a rat."
  - Lily Tomlin

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