regarding Ben Duncan's CD problems...

Ben Duncan ben
Sat Aug 21 10:26:58 PDT 2004

Ok, for the record now:

OS - Slackware 10.0

UDEV is muchly borken, so much it will hang the machine on kernel booting.

Commenting out any/all udev in startup solved the hang problem.

Still, no dice on cdrecord and audio, even after applying the patches
that were mentioned. I get those "weird" alien songs, instead of the
actual music (Jimmy Buffet would prolly love to know his songs produce
a sound all their own!).

I will be stting up another PC to delivery to a client. Where as the
one giving me fits is AMD/nForce, the one being set up is a P4/8xx
chipset. I am going to try and see if it is reproduceable on the
new boxen - since it has pretty much the same Disk/Cd config as my
AMD box.

Net Llama! wrote:

Ben Duncan   - VersAccounting Software LLC 336 Elton Road  Jackson MS, 39212
"Never attribute to malice, that which can be adequately explained by stupidity"
        - Hanlon's Razor

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