berkeley DB problem

Kurt Wall kwall
Wed Aug 18 21:26:21 PDT 2004

In a 2.4K blaze of typing glory, Net Llama! wrote:
> On 08/18/2004 03:58 AM, Kurt Wall wrote:
> >In a 1.6K blaze of typing glory, Net Llama! wrote:
> >
> >>This one's for any berkeley DB experts out there.  I use berkeleyDB as 
> >>the backend for my movable type blog.  About 10 days ago the partition 
> >>where it resides filled up (this isn't my box, don't blame me), and 
> >>caused some corruption to the DB.

[well-meaning but fruitless attempts to help deleted]

> Tried that stuff, but no love.  Someone in comp.databases.berkeley-db 
> suggested
> db_dump -r -f entry.db.out entry.db
> which does seem to give me a full dump, but when i load it back in, 
> things are more broken than before.
> I wish there was some kind of tool for viewing/editing the contents of 
> BDB.  It wouldn't surprise me if the scope of the original problem was a 
> few null values in a single record out of the 302 that I have.

Perchance: ?
I also found, which is a CLI tool.

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