sync 2 directories

Roger Oberholtzer roger
Tue Aug 17 10:08:00 PDT 2004

On Tue, 2004-08-17 at 16:17, M.W. Chang wrote:
> > And getthing these errors:
> > 
> > bit length overflow
> > code 13 bits 6->7
> > code 5 bits 6->7
> > 
> > bit length overflow
> > code 13 bits 6->7
> > 
> After recompiling the program from tar-ball, it no longer complained.
> I did upgraded zlib about a year ago, while the rsync was still from the
> vanilla OpenLinux 3.1.

So, what versions of these two are you using? I am using (from SUSE 9):

rsync	2.6.2-26

zlib	1.1.4-225

(The 4th number is SUSE's version number. The first three are the
package's own version number).

I still get the complaints.

? Roger Oberholtzer          ?   E-mail: roger at        ?
? OPQ Systems AB             ?      WWW:  ?
? Nybrogatan 66 nb           ?    Phone: Int + 46 8   314223 ?
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