super slow clock

James McDonald james
Fri Aug 13 17:01:26 PDT 2004

David A. Bandel wrote:

> Folks,
> OK, now I've seen it all (or maybe not, but I've not seen this before).
> I have a system that has suddenly developed a super slow clock.  That
> is, it looses 30 seconds per minute.  NTP couldn't keep it up to date,
> so now I'm running ntpdate via crontab every 15 minutes.  It still hoses
> the MRTG output -- you can actually _see_ the updates every 15 minutes
> as a gap in the graphs.
> This is driving me nuts.  Apart from syncing time every 60 seconds (or
> less), I don't know how to fix this.  Anyone got any bright ideas?
> Thanx,
> David A. Bandel

new cmos battery?

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