List Reply-To is set to the senders address

Collins Richey erichey2
Fri Aug 13 15:52:51 PDT 2004

On Fri, 13 Aug 2004 15:36:07 -0400 Kurt Wall <kwall at> wrote:
> In a 0.9K blaze of typing glory, Bill Campbell wrote:
> > On Fri, Aug 13, 2004, Kurt Wall wrote:
> > ...
> > >Yup. DB has files Just Do The Right Thing. Mailman has some nice
> > >features, but you're married to the silly thing once you've got
> > >lists running on it.
> > 
> > It has the options to Just Do the Right Thing, but they can be
> > overriden (i.e. setting Reply-To the list instead of leaving the
> > Reply-To: the way the sender wanted it :-).
> Grump.

Yeah, there are (seemingly) infinitely long emails and forum type entries on
this very topic, but ... from saved posts I have from our list, it seems that
the Reply-To has been munged to the list address for a long time, so we're not
asking for a change from existing practice. Some lists don't even set the
Reply-To. Sylpheed is smart enough to look for the List-Id(if present) and use
that when you press the reply key. If you need the actual sender, press reply to
all and then delete the list-id.

( CR ) Collins Richey
 \/\/     Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked anyway, 
             the good fortune to run into the ones I do, and the eyesight 
	     to tell the difference.

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