apt vs yum

Tim Wunder tim
Thu Aug 12 08:29:24 PDT 2004

On 8/12/2004 9:08 AM, I believe that James McDonald wrote:

> James McDonald wrote:
>> Tim Wunder wrote:
>>> On 8/12/2004 8:37 AM, I believe that James McDonald wrote:
>>>> Is it just me or is apt a far better product than yum?
>>> In what fashion?
>> Personally I hate the "header" download apt does. It seems to take 
>> forever and the apt one is quick.
> Let me rephrase that....
> I hate the "header" download yum does. It seems to take forever and the 
> apt one is quick.

Well, I have a broadband connection and it only takes a long time if 
there are alot of updates, or if I've added a repository. Even then, 
it's not all that long of a time.

> ...Synaptic rocks, what does yum have?

Yum does not have a gui front end (AFAIK). I usually admin my boxes from 
a screen'd terminal session. Updating via yum is a simple
open console
$ screen -r (or just 'screen')
$ sudo yum -y update
$ exit

and is easily done remotely. I guess apt has a similar capability.

>>> I currently use yum, and like it. What makes apt "far better?"
>>> I used apt for a little while to maintain RHL 8.0, but ever since 
>>> installing FC1 and FC2 have used yum. I found configuring apt to be 
>>> very confusing, as compared to the relatively straightforward yum.conf.
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