Slackware with Grub

Kurt Wall kwall
Wed Aug 11 17:18:24 PDT 2004

In a 2.6K blaze of typing glory, Collins Richey wrote:
> On Wed, 4 Aug 2004 18:18:19 -0400 Kurt Wall <kwall at> wrote:
> > In a 0.4K blaze of typing glory, Alma J Wetzker wrote:
> > > I have a computer that does not like lilo.  It boots Grub distro's fine but 
> > > with lilo it fills half the screen with ' 10's and stops.  Never even 
> > > starts booting linux.  What do I need to do to install grub to boot 
> > > slackware 10?
> > 
> > Alma,
> > 
> > Did you ever get this squared away? I've got it working here and
> > it was brain-dead simple.
> > 
> Yes indeed. Here's a simple procedure.

Write it up as a step, Collins, and I'll get it posted...

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	Here and now, as opposed to fake time, which only occurs there
and then.

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