16-User Network

Bob Rasmussen ras at anzio.com
Tue Aug 30 11:37:15 PDT 2011

On Tue, 30 Aug 2011, Fairlight wrote:

> Simon--er, no...it was Bob Rasmussen--said:
> > I would, of course, argue that running Anzio Lite or, especially, AnzioWin 
> > would give you more functionality on the client end than would PuTTY. 
> Yes and no.  You would not be able to use the Alt-Fn key mappings Jay
> cited.  You would also not be able to do Alt-key as you can in PuTTY.  I
> know you blew me off as to how it can't be done, you don't know how PuTTY
> achieves it, etc.  All I can say is read the PuTTY source, cos it -does-
> handle Alt-keystroke (like Alt-S for search in YaST, etc), and it's the
> main thing lacking in Anzio Lite that ticks me off.  I should not have to
> tab 8 times instead of hit an Alt combo.

Please remind me what you're talking about. It sounds to me like two 
different things:

1) To use Alt-Fn to jump to a certain session of PuTTY. Do you mean in 
multiple sessions of one PuTTY connected to 'screen'? Or do you mean 
between multiple independent PuTTY sessions.

2) Assigning some character sequence to be sent to the host when the user 
hits Alt-S, for instance. Anzio allows this (although I don't know what 
YaST wants to receive to initiate a search).

....Bob Rasmussen,   President,   Rasmussen Software, Inc.

personal e-mail: ras at anzio.com
 company e-mail: rsi at anzio.com
          voice: (US) 503-624-0360 (9:00-6:00 Pacific Time)
            fax: (US) 503-624-0760
            web: http://www.anzio.com
 street address: Rasmussen Software, Inc.
                 10240 SW Nimbus, Suite L9
                 Portland, OR  97223  USA

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