More specific question on @SK

Jay Ashworth jra at
Sat Aug 13 21:56:29 PDT 2011

----- Original Message -----
> From: "Jeff Harrison" <jeffaharrison at>

> > You seem to be suggesting, Jeff, that the McGuffin is that *mesgbox*
> > itself
> > sets @SK, in the middle of the execution of line 1. If so, that's a)
> > undocumented, and b) really, really dumb: the spec for MSGBOX says
> > that
> > the key you hit to exit it goes into @BK, so unless that's a typo, I
> > would
> > not expect it to set @SK as well, and nothing documents it to.
> >
> > And c) what happens while line 1 is executing shouldn't affect
> > whether it
> > runs anyway, right?
> Yes, msgbox seems to set the @sk. Undocumented? Perhaps. I'll take
> your word for that. Dumb? I don't think it is so dumb. I would expect
> that @sk would have the last special key that was pressed during data
> input commands. That seems intuitive to me. Logically, if a value goes
> into @bk it does not exclude the possibility that it also goes into
> @sk.
> I agree that the help documentation leaves much unsaid regarding @sk

It's not that it leaves so much unsaid, it's that it nearly specifically
says the opposite: the @SK page *specifies* "when field code", and the
msgbox page *specifies* @BK, and leaves @SK unmentioned.

This is the sort of situation that makes me really happy that I don't write
much filePro code anymore, cause *looking in the manual before asking* would
not only not help, it would waste a bunch of your time, because the *manual
is lying to you*.

And it's been like this since... oh, what was current when I rewrote
Multifile to use indexes in 1996; 4.5?  Maybe 4.1.  I know @SK didn't 
understand INSL and DELL in that release, so I had to do my own menu
thing with @WUK to be able to do inserts and deletes.

> Regarding your c), Yes and No. Remember that line 1 gets reached
> twice. What happens on line 1 the first time will effect what happens
> the second time.

Well, once you know the magic answer that contradicts the documentation,

-- jra
Jay R. Ashworth                  Baylink                       jra at
Designer                     The Things I Think                       RFC 2100
Ashworth & Associates         2000 Land Rover DII
St Petersburg FL USA             +1 727 647 1274

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