More specific question on @SK

Richard Kreiss rkreiss at
Sat Aug 13 21:38:04 PDT 2011

Not needed. Just set a variable to hold the value of
If @sk = ""
then  @sk=@sk. 

The test the value @sk

Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 14, 2011, at 12:30 AM, Jeff Harrison <jeffaharrison at> wrote:

> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "flowersoft at" <flowersoft at>
>> To: 'Jeff Harrison' <jeffaharrison at>
>> Cc: 'FilePro Mailing List' <filepro-list at>
>> Sent: Sunday, August 14, 2011 12:11 AM
>> Subject: RE: More specific question on @SK
>>> Well, I did come late to this party.  It depends on how you answer the  
>> input popup on line 1.  Whatever you do on line 1 I believe that you
>>> are going to reset the @sk.  It also depends on what the value of rs  > 
>> is
>> of course - although I suppose you meant to use yn on lines 2 and  > 3?  
>> PFME and the length of the field yn also should be considered.
>>> Jeff Harrison
>>> jeffaharrison at
>>> Author of JHExport and JHImport
>> Yes, I meant to have input popup rs instead of input popup yn.
>> You are getting very close Jeff.
>> Assume rs or yn are (1,yesno) fields.
>> Also assume that the user does not hit <Enter> to answer the question.
>> The user hits either Y or N at line #1.
>> The question is, does line #2 evaluate as TRUE if the user hits "Y"?
>> Does line #3 evaluate as TRUE if the user hits "N"?
>> Will the processing ever get to line #4?
> In the scenario you describe the input popup on line 1 would reset the @sk and so lines two and three would not evaluate as true.  Therefore it would get to line 4 and then end.  I guess your gripe then is that @sk gets reset even though you have not pressed a special key?  You expect it to have its original value.  Sounds like a candidate for future environment variable - PFSKRETAINPRIORVALUEIFNOTSET or something like that :)
> Jeff Harrison
> jeffaharrison at
> Author of JHExport and JHImport 
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