New filePro quiz

Mike Schwartz mschw at
Fri Aug 12 12:19:09 PDT 2011

> On 8/11/2011 9:00 AM, Kenneth Brody wrote:
> > I'll make this one short and sweet.  :-)
> >
> > Q)  What is @SK?
> What?  No one know what the system field @SK contains?  I find that hard
> believe.
> --
> Kenneth Brody
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     I've used @SK several times over the past 10 or more years.  I guess we
were all waiting for a filePro rookie to venture out with an answer.
(Either there aren't any more filePro rookies left, or they are too afraid
of being flamed if they come up with the wrong answer...)

4.1      @WUKnnn     When user keys  F3 ,  F4 ,  F8  or  F9  is pressed
                     in field "nnn". When the key is pressed, the special
                     key label can be tested by using system maintained
                     field @sk. The following key labels apply.

                              F3         INSL
                              F4         DELL
                              F8         DPRT
                              F9         GRAF

Mike Schwartz

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