Left-justify (was Re: Export fixed length)

scooter6 at gmail.com scooter6 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 11 07:43:33 PDT 2011

   Well that's why I put {#}\ \    <- to me, that says, put the numbers
FIRST - then populate remaining length with spaces.
  I understand that \0\ first, that would right justify, so my thought was
put {#} first, THEN \ \  would left justify......
  Anyway, I tried using the edit as you have it
   lj   [{!" "!}] {*}

  But that didn't work either?? So I did the suggestion you gave in
processing and that did the trick.  Not sure why the edit didn't work though

  I labeled the edit a lj and for the edit - to spell it out - is      left
bracket,left curly bracket,exclamation point,double quote,space,double
  exclamation point,right curly bracket,right bracket,left curly
bracket,asterisk,right curly bracket......that didn't seem to work though?
  But not a huge deal....

  One other thing I need to know that I don't see - is there an edit to
remove decimal from a number?
  I have several (8,.2) fields that obviously show as  100.35, 16.34,
etc.......However, for my file, I need to right justify, zero fill WITHOUT
  decimal.  I have 0RJ working fine, but how do I remove the decimal??

  Thanks for all you help Ken

On Thu, Aug 11, 2011 at 10:26 AM, Kenneth Brody <KandLBrody at gmail.com>wrote:

> On 8/11/2011 10:18 AM, scooter6 at gmail.com wrote:
> [...]
>>   One more thing - how do you 'left justify, blank fill' a field?
>>   I created a Global edit as such:
>>   LJ =  {#}\ \<-- hoping the space between the \ would create
>> blanks after the numbers
> Note that "\X\" is the syntax for right-justification, using the given
> character for filler rather than spaces.  So, you are actually telling
> filePro to do the exact opposite of what you want -- your edit says
> "right-justify using spaces".
>   I'm creating a file that is fixed length - but the field can be a variety
>> of numbers long -- but the fixed length is 17 characters
>>   So I need to left justify, blank fill this field.....
>>   That edit didn't work.......anyone have syntax for a left justify field?
> [...]
> Well, since you are probably doing this in processing anyway, why not just
> use processing to left-justify it?
> Rather than:
>    xx(20,lj) = foo
> Just use:
>    xx(20,*) = "" { foo
> Of course, if you want an edit:
>    lj   [{!" "!}] {*}
> --
> Kenneth Brody
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