
Brian K. White brian at
Thu Aug 4 12:05:23 PDT 2011

On 8/4/2011 2:48 PM, Kenneth Brody wrote:
> On 8/4/2011 2:19 PM, Brian K. White wrote:
>> On 8/4/2011 10:11 AM, Kenneth Brody wrote:
> [...]
>>> The "pattern" will be "those that were not returned by opendir(), due
>>> to the
>>> bug in 5.6.10 which you are using, but which is fixed in 5.6.11":
>>>>>>> (All) #1151
>>>>>>> On some platforms, it was possible for opendir() to return a list of
>>>>>>> filenames of the correct length, but which contained some blank
>>>>>>> entries instead of the names.
>> You are saying there is no known pattern to the bug? He can't work
>> around it by avoiding using certain filenames or permissions or whatever?
> It's not the names of the files, it's the order of the files within the
> directory. (And before you say "they're alphabetical", remember that the
> "ls" command, as well as filePro, sorts the list.) The exact same set of
> filenames might have different items missing if they came from a
> different directory. (Or even if you deleted one of the files, and
> created a new one with the same name.)

You mean the order they appear in the filesystem directory entry?

Would deleting, creating, and populating the directory, add-only, no 
moves or deletes, before opendir(), create consistent output from 
opendir() ?

Not saying that's even something he could do in this case, maybe he 
could maybe he couldn't, just trying to establish, is it really random 
or is there really some way to influence or predict it, however theoretical.


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